Tuesday, July 21, 2015

You is Kind, You is Smart, You is Important

The primary goal of 360 Degrees of Entrepreneurship is to bring together a collection of stories, blog posts, interviews, images, and videos that both educate and inspire each Entrepreneur that comes across our path.  I named the blog 360 Degrees of Entrepreneurship for a reason…because I am going to cover 360 degrees of Entrepreneurship…the good, the bad and the ugly. 

There are so many topics I want to feature and new topics will surface every day that will better position Entrepreneurs…from start-up to success.  I promise to bring in humor and fun, because life can just get a little too serious at times.  Believe me, I am super guilty at being too serious about certain things but I am also known to lighten things up a bit…to keep it real.  

Upcoming topics you can expect to see:
·         Inspiring Women Series
·         The Elevate Story
·         Get off the “Bleachers” if you wanna get better  (pun intended)
·         “When I grow up”
·         It’s Entrepreneurship, not rocket science
·         Pay it forward
·         Best coffee shops in your city to set up shop for a day
·         Capitalizing on your weaknesses
·         Funding your Start-up
·         Why Entrepreneurship is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re going to get
·         I scream…you scream…we all scream
·         Motivational YouTube videos for every Entrepreneur
·         Hey you, control freak…let it go, let it go
·         The best near failure stories
·         Punch “fear” in the jugular
·     You is smart, you is kind, you is an entrepreneur…now go get your dream
·         Do you have a weak handshake?  Stop it, stop it already
·         Why telling your story is so absolutely imperative for your business
·         Best Advice you’ve ever received as an Entrepreneur
·         We will show you “Flyover Country”
·         Bootstrapping - #TheStruggleIsReal
·         Entrepreneurship and Motherhood
·         Top 5 Entrepreneurial resources in your city
·         Best Entrepreneurial TED Talks
·         Leaders Eat Last
·         Emotional Intelligence and Entrepreneurship
·         Upcoming Entrepreneurial Events in your city

Until next time...be good, and if you can't be good, be careful!

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