Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Everyone Has a Story

I am so fascinated to hear other’s stories.  The stories of their childhood, stories of what drives them, stories of failure and success and the path that led them to the very moment they are, at the time we have the opportunity to speak.  Often times, I will stop and ask people I meet in airports or a stranger at a coffee shop, what their story is.  It’s fascinating to watch their faces go from utter confusion to being lit up that someone would be interested in their story.  It may be one of the most fulfilling questions I ask people, because one of two things happens.  Either they are reminded of why they are who they are and what they are fighting for in this one life we are given or it brings them to a quiet place that allows them to reflect on areas of their life they want to change.  This then leads into a conversation that we both benefit from.  I am either encouraged by their story or I am given an opportunity to encourage them.  Either way, it’s an incredible moment to share with people, strangers…I dare you to try it. 

So, what’s your story?  What led you to entrepreneurship?  What drives you?  Think about it.  Sometimes it is thinking about our story that brings us back to where we need to be or to keep us moving ahead.  The last year, I have experienced some pretty incredible trials in life.  I’ve had to make some really tough decisions, I’ve had to get so far out of my comfort zone that I often felt as though I was standing on a tight rope so far from safe ground that one wrong move would send me crashing down.  I have had to be very intentional about focusing on my story and why I started my company in the first place.  Spending some time reflecting on “my story” and the end goal is exactly what I needed to get rebalanced.  I encourage anyone who is struggling as an entrepreneur or anyone who just needs to be reminded to go there.  Go back to your beginning and remember why you are who you are and why you are pursuing your dreams as an entrepreneur.  I promise you won’t be disappointed. 

Relating to entrepreneurship, it’s easy to get so wrapped up in the struggles that accompany starting and growing a business that we lose sight of the fact that every entrepreneur is either dealing with the same or similar struggles or has in the past and has persevered.  Sometimes hearing their story is exactly what we need to hear in that moment.  So, whether it is a stranger in an airport or someone you meet at a networking event, stop and ask them what their story is. 


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